Forêt.Nature is a non-profit association with a multi-disciplinary technical team that provides ongoing professional training and technical support for forest managers and owners. Forêt.Nature also ensures that skills are passed on through communication, the web, publishing and scientific popularisation.
Finally, the association develops and disseminates knowledge of continuous cover forestry (CCF) at Belgian and European level.
Pro Silva France is an association of foresters (owners, managers, professionals and friends of the forest) united to promote "Continuous Cover Mixed Forestry" in France, through training, information, research and development activities and participation in national discussions and actions on forestry in France and Europe.
Nicolas LUIGI has been General Delegate of Pro Silva France since 2011, and is responsible for coordinating training activities for professionals.
Margot GESSEN has been a project manager since 2021. She works to support the regional coordinators and is involved in a number of ongoing projects, including the MOOC.
Founded in 1959, the ANW is an association of forest owners, foresters, scientists and forest enthusiasts. Since 1950, we have been pursuing the goal of clear-cutting-free permanent forests as a stable ecosystem. We are convinced that this form of forest management best serves the diverse demands of society and nature itself.
Our principles of natural forest management are not rigid, but are constantly being developed. We learn together as a working group through excursions and events in exemplary forests of all types of ownership.
Our principles can be found here.
Teagasc – the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities in the Republic of Ireland. The Teagasc Forestry Development Department (FDD) is an integrated department that provides forestry research, education and independent advice to the Irish farm-forestry sector. The FDD consists of: researchers; a network of advisors; technical staff and educators. The FDD: