ForestMooc is accessible to everyone : forest managers, students, forest owners, forest enthusiasts.. and more! Improve your information and skills in how to manage European forests as a resilient, productive and close to nature resource.
Il s'agit d'un cours en ligne de 8 semaines. Chaque lundi, un nouveau chapitre est disponible. Suivez le contenu du cours depuis le lieu que vous souhaitez, à votre rythme. Le cours est disponible en libre accès sur la plateforme du 14 octobre 2024 jusqu'au 31 décembre 2024.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and background to Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF): the ideal forest according to the public, our forest landscape and its history, the main principles of CCF
Chapter 2 - The natural functioning of forests: ecological successions, discovery of continuous cover forestry, the soil, soil profiles and indicator plants.
Chapter 3 - Natural dynamics: overview, recreation, biodiversity, micro-habitats, peri-urban forest, carbon sequestration and the water cycle
Chapter 4 - The resilience of mixed continuous cover: the concept of resilience, natural cycles in forests, pathogens and the bark beetle crisis, post-fire management, post-storm dynamics.
Chapter 5 - Ecosystem services: overview, recreation, biodiversity, micro-habitats, illustrations of the periurban forest, carbon sequestration and the water cycle.
Chapter 6 - The economics of wood: CCF and the economy, the profitability of a forest, increasing capital, commercial strategies, local production, diversification of income.
Chapter 7 - CCF in practice: silvicultural operations, marking, pruning, hunting strategy, protection measures and monitoring.
Chapter 8 - Inspiration and examples from continental, Atlantic and Mediterranean forests in Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland.
Sign up now for free here. .
One chapter online every week on Mondays at 9am.
All chapters remain open until the 30th November 2024 (1,5 month after the publication of the last chapter).
ForestMooc is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can enjoy it whenever you want, at your own pace and at your own convenience.
The entire ForestMooc takes about 20 hours to complete, spread over 8 weeks.
You are free to follow the content at your own pace.
The chapters are made up of different elements:
The live sessions are video-conference question and answer sessions. They are organised once a week, in the three languages of the MOOC. They are not compulsory, but they can help you to clarify certain points in the course with the lecturers.
You can send your questions on the various chapters to here.